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PatchworkMHD is a new code for magnetohydrodynamics simulations that permit efficient computation of heterogeneous systems involving multiple kinds of physics, multiple lengthscales, and multiple reference frames.
A Python library and set of scripts for inferring source populations of objects given individual observations. Includes applications to gravitational wave populations, but can also be applied to arbitrary populations.
A tool for reweighing posterior samples by modifying their priors.
This is a tool for producing 3D printer files (.stl) for spectrograms of LIGO data. It is mostly a convenience wrapper around the Python library stl_tools.
The SphericalNR is a new numerical relativity code that uses spherical coordinates.
Spiegel is Dr. Hans-Peter Bischof's visualization software.
STARCRASH is a parallel fortran code that uses Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) techniques to calculate the 3-d evolution of self-gravitating fluid systems.
A tool for making quick approximate parameter estimation results for synthetic LIGO sources.