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REU in Multimessenger Astrophysics

Research Experience for Undergraduates in Multimessenger Astrophysics

The first observations of gravitational waves by LIGO have opened up the dawn of the gravitational wave astronomy age and the birth of multimessenger astronophysics.  Recent observations of merging binary neutron stars and other sources have combined gravitational wave and electromagnetic observations with theoretical models to give us new insights into phenomena that were previously unavailable to science.  A key step in moving this project forward will be the training of students who will form the next generation of scientific leaders.


We invite you to join researchers from RIT's Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation, Laboratory for Multiwavelength Astrophysics and the Center for Detectors for a 10-week immersive research experience.  Building on RIT's history as a center for undergraduate research, students in the Multimessenger Astrophysics REU, one of several on campus, will join a vibrant community and work with top-flight researchers. 

Students in the REU program will learn about and perform research on topics spanning gravitational wave detection and data analysis, observational astronomy and astrophysics, visualization of scientific data, detector building and characterization, and theoretical and numerical modeling. 

Enrichment activities will include an American Sign Language (ASL) bootcamp, a weekend observing trip to the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, talks by prominent researchers across the different branches of astrophysics, and an introduction to supercomputing including both our local supercomputer, BlueSky, as well as the resources nationwide provided by XSede.   Students will hear more about the opportunities provided by different graduate programs at our cross-REU Graduate Research and Study workshop and get to present their own work at the RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium.


Program details

Our 10-week program will run from Tuesday, May 27 until Saturday, August 2.

REU participants receive a stipend of $6,000, free on-campus housing, and both travel and meal allowances. Support will be provided after the summer component ends for travel to conferences to present research work.

Applications are now being accepted.  The first offer letters will be sent out in March 2025. 

Application deadline is February 28, 2025 though applications will continue to be reviewed until the positions are filled.  Participants must be U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents and must be undergraduates in Fall 2025.

We especially encourage women, members of underrepresented minorities, deaf or hard-of-hearing students, and community college students to apply.  ASL interpretation will be provided for all activities.

Apply Now