- Ph.DTexas Tech University
Binod Rajbhandari is a postdoctoral research assistant working under Professor John T. Whelan. Binod received his PhD from Texas Tech University under the supervision of Professor Benjamin J. Owen. His PhD works includes analyzing data from the first and second observational run of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory [LIGO] to search for a long-lived quasi-monochromatic gravitational wave due to the fluid oscillation(current quadrupole) from the Crab pulsar. This detection will help to understand the interior properties of the neutron stars.
At CCRG Binod will work to detect continuous gravitational wave from the Scorpius X-1 using the data from the LIGO O4 run. Scorpius X-1 is a neutron star accreting mass from its companion star. Binod will also continue to collaborate with the Texas Tech LIGO group to work on the next generational gravitational wave detector known as Cosmic Explorer.