LORENE is a public C++ software developed to solve partial differential equations in numerical relativity by means of multi-domain spectral methods. The code is developed by Eric Gourgoulhon, Philippe Grandclément, Jean-Alain Marck, Jérôme Novak and Keisuke Taniguchi, at the Meudon Section of Paris Observatory, at LUTH laboratory. For more details about LORENE history and a complete list of contributors, click here. The main references are:
- E. Gourgoulhon, P. Grandclément, K. Taniguchi, J.-A. Marck, S. Bonazzola, Phys. Rev. D 63, 064029 (2001)
- K. Taniguchi, E. Gourgoulhon, S. Bonazzola, Phys. Rev. D 64, 064012 (2001)
- K. Taniguchi, E. Gourgoulhon, Phys. Rev. D 65, 044027 (2002)
- K. Taniguchi, E. Gourgoulhon, Phys. Rev. D 66, 104019 (2002)
- K. Taniguchi, E. Gourgoulhon, Phys. Rev. D 68, 124025 (2003)
- M. Bejger, D. Gondek-Rosinska, E. Gourgoulhon, P. Haensel, K. Taniguchi, J.L. Zdunik, Astron. Astrophys. 431, 297 (2005)
Summary of initial data files for Lorene:
* These data files are uniform throughout all of our EOS folders
The Initial data library has these Equation Of State’s : AP3, AP4, MS1, MS1b, Sly,
WFF1, and MPA 1 with the following configurations
M1 M2
1.4 1.4
1.6 1.4
1.8 1.4
2 1.4
● calcul.d.DISTANCE: Contains all of the initial information for the coalescence
(coal) sequence. It describes the physical parameters of each isolated star
(baryon mass, EOS, enthalpy, densities, coordinate positions, etc.) and the
physical parameters for the stars in a binary configuration.
● ini.d: Necessary to have for the coal routine to run.
● logfile_coal_seq_DISTANCE: The complete log of the coal sequencing routine
for the distance steps specified.
● logfile_init: The complete output file for the initial binary routine, init_bin. This
contains information such as the mass (gravitational and baryon), radius, and
compact parameter for the corresponding enthalpy value of the star. It is where
you look to get the input mass parameter for the coal routine.
● parcoal_seq_massscan.d: Parameter file for the binary computation for the
coal routine. This is where you fix the specific parameters you want for your
system (i.e starting and ending masses, starting and ending separation distance,
the distance step, relaxation parameters, etc.)
● par_eos1/2.d: Separate equation of state parameter files for each star (denoted
by the labels 1 and 2). This is where you specify the type of EOS for the stars,
and where the corresponding polytropes, adiabatic indices, and fiducial density
values are located. This file is generated by our TOV solving code. You just need
to copy it and rename it for your respective stars.
● par_grid1/2.d: Separate multi domain grid parameter files for each star. You can
specify the number of domains and grid points within each domain.
● par_init.d:This is where you set the initial conditions for each star. This is
necessary in order to run the init_bin routine. You can specify the enthalpy values (which determines both mass and radius for each star, and can be found in the
logfile for init_bin), along with relativistic vs. newtonian computations, and the
star’s rotational state.
● res_files_DISTANCE: A tar file containing all of the output files from the coal
routine. It includes the files resconv1/2_DISTANCE, resdiffm_DISTANCE,
resformat_DISTANCE, resglob_DISTANCE, resrota_DISTANCE, and
resstar1/2_DISTANCE. These all contain different information about the output of
the stars.
● resu_DISTANCE.d: this file is needed as an input in the EinsteinToolkit
Dynamical Evolution code for the respective separation distance that you wish to
NOTE: The Sly equation of state has as the lighter mass star and as the M1 M2 heavier mass star.