We revisit the scenario of small-mass-ratio (q) black-hole binaries; performing new, more accurate, simulations of mass ratios 10:1 and 100:1 for initially nonspinning black holes. We propose fitting functions for the trajectories of the two black holes as a function of time and mass ratio (in the range 1/100 < q < 1/10$) that combine aspects of post-Newtonian trajectories at smaller orbital frequencies and plunging geodesics at larger frequencies. We then use these trajectories to compute waveforms via black hole perturbation theory. Using the advanced LIGO noise curve, we see a match of ~99.5% for the leading (l,m)=(2,2) mode between the numerical relativity and perturbative waveforms. Nonleading modes have similarly high matches. We thus prove the feasibility of efficiently generating a bank of gravitational waveforms in the intermediate-mass-ratio regime using only a sparse set of full numerical simulations.